This is the first spring break that I remember it snowing the whole week. It was really pretty outside today though and felt "warm" to us. Haley and I rolled down the windows on the ride home from work.
Work has been going really well for the most part. I have been spending time with the teenagers, and I have begun to have good relationships with some of them. I love that I get to "play" sometimes while I am at work.
Haley and I made a Lego masterpiece the other day that we were really proud of.
I have been learning how to enter donor data into our program on the computer. I get really frustrated with it sometimes, but luckily I can just listen to music while I work and it keeps me going.
Today felt like a Friday and I really wish it was one. I am really looking forward to Oakley visiting, so I wish the weeks went by a little faster. I have really been getting used to the cold and it doesn't bother me as much as it used to. I find myself leaving the house with short sleeves and a jacket on, and I haven't been getting cold.
I am going through a stage where I really miss California. I try to stay really positive, but it is not always easy. I realize that the thing that I love most about California is my family. Not the ocean, or the cool people, or even the atmosphere. The happy feeling I felt when I was little and visited family in California came from the family, not from visiting Sea World or Disney Land. I think it's important that I realize how important family is to me.
"Home is wherever I'm with you."
I'm really trying to write more often, and I am hoping to get more pictures of Casper up soon!
Thank you for reading!
Much love,