Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"Depression is just anger without enthusiasm"

I have recently started some very good habits to help me get through this year:
Exercise every single day (so far, so good!)
Read at least a chapter of a book every day (not doing so well on this one, but I'm working on it)
Eating at least three meals a day (I'm doing so well on this one)

Those are my goals so far, I feel very happy about everything right now. I am very proud of myself and what I am doing. The challenge that I am taking on this year is a big one. It will take a lot of commitment, courage, and strength. I often have second thoughts about what I'm taking on, but I know it will be more than worth it in the end.

I have started reading "The Catcher in the Rye" and I would like to share one of the quotes that stood out to me the other day.

"When I leave a place I like to know I'm leaving it. If you don't, you feel even worse."

When I first read that quote it was a few days after I had left San Diego. I really felt nothing after I moved, I felt horrible. I really thought that I should feel something. I love California, I just wanted to care that I had left. Now that I'm back in California in LA, I feel sad. I am happy that I'm finally feeling something. It makes me feel a little bit more human. I will greatly miss California, but it was very good that I left. I will finally find out who I am, not who people make me become. I will be my own person, and I will be supporting myself. I am excited to see the person I grow into over this next year.


1 comment:

  1. Oh magoo, I'm so proud of you. Even "bad" feelings are proof that we will feel the good, too. That was a lovely quote. Having an outlet for any feeling can be healing. And as far as exercise, good for you! I'm trying to do the same thing. Love you!
